1.   Edgar Wind, ‘Ästhetischer und kunstwissenschaftlicher Gegenstand: ein Beitrag zur Methodologie der Kunstgeschichte’ (unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Hamburg, 1924 [1922]).


2.   Edgar Wind, ‘Zur Systematik der künsterischen Probleme’, Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, 18 (1925), 438–86.

3.   Edgar Wind, ‘Theory of Art versus Aesthetics’, The Philosophical Review, 34 (1925), 350–9.

4.   Edgar Wind, ‘Contemporary German Philosophy’, The Journal of Philosophy, 22 (1925), 477–93, 516–30.

5.   Edgar Wind, ‘Review of Hermann Count Keyserling, The Travel Diary of a Philosopher, trans. by J. H. Reece (New York, 1925)’, The Nation, 121 (19 August 1925), 213–4.


6.   Edgar Wind, ‘Experiment and Metaphysics’, in Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Philosophy, ed. by E. S. Brightman (New York: Longmans, 1927 [1926]), 217–24.

7.   Edgar Wind, ‘Review of Alfred C. Elsbach, Kant und Einstein (Berlin, 1924)’, The Journal of Philosophy, 24 (1927), 65–71.


8.   Edgar Wind, ‘Warburgs Begriff der Kulturwissenschaft und seine Bedeutung für die Ästhetik’, in Vierter Kongress für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, 25 (1931), 163–79.


9.   Edgar Wind, ‘Theios Phobos: Untersuchungen über die Platonische Kunstphilosophie’, Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, 26 (1932), 349–73.

10. Edgar Wind, ‘Humanitätsidee und heroisiertes Porträt in der englischen Kultur des 18. Jahrhunderts’, in England und die Antike, Vorträge der Bibliothek Warburg (1930–1931), ed. by Fritz Saxl (Leipzig and Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1932), 156–229.

11. Edgar Wind, ‘Mathematik und Sinnesempfindung: Materialien zu einer Whitehead-Kritik’, Logos, Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie der Kultur, 21 (1932), 239-80.


12. Edgar Wind, Das Experiment und die Metaphysik: Zur Auflösung der kosmologischen Antinomien (Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1934).

13. Hans Meier, Richard Newald and Edgar Wind (eds), Kulturwissenschafltiche Bibliographie zum Nachleben der Antike, Erster Band. Die Erscheinungen des Jahres 1931 (Leipzig and Berlin: B.G. Teubner and Bibliothek Warburg, 1934).

14. Hans Meier, Richard Newald and Edgar Wind (eds), A Bibliography on the Survival of the Classics, First Volume, The Publications of 1931 (London: Cassel & Co. and The Warburg Institute, 1934).

15. Edgar Wind, ‘Can the Antinomies be Restated?’, Psyche, 14 (1934), 177–8.


16. Edgar Wind, ‘The Warburg Institute Classification Scheme’, The Library Association Record, 2 (1935), 193–5.

17. Edgar Wind, ‘Review of M. D. George, Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum, V (1771–1783), London, 1935’, The Burlington Magazine, 67 (1935), 179.


18. Edgar Wind, ‘Some Points of Contact between History and the Natural Sciences’, in Philosophy and History: Essays Presented to Ernst Cassirer, ed. by Raymond Klibansky and H. J. Paton (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1936), 255–64.


19. Edgar Wind and Rudolf Wittkower (eds), Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1–2 (1937–9).

20. Edgar Wind, ‘Donatello’s Judith: A Symbol of Sanctimonia’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1 (1937), 62–3.

21. Edgar Wind, ‘Aenigma termini [the Emblem of Erasmus of Rotterdam]’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1 (1937), 66–9.

22. Edgar Wind, ‘Platonic Justice designed by Raphael’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1 (1937), 69–70.

23. Edgar Wind, ‘The Maenad under the Cross: I. Comments on an Observation by Reynolds’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1 (1937), 70–1.

24. Edgar Wind, ‘An Emendation of Pope by Lessing’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1 (1937), 78–9.

25. Edgar Wind, ‘Studies in Allegorical Portraiture, I: 1. In Defence of Composite Portraits’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1 (1937), 138–42.

      Edgar Wind, ‘Studies in Allegorical Portraiture, I: 2. Albrecht von Brandenburg as St.  Erasmus [by Grünewald], Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1 (1937), 142–62.

26. Edgar Wind, ‘The Christian Democritus’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1 (1937), 180–2.

27. Edgar Wind, ‘The Saint as Monster’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1 (1937), 183.

28. Edgar Wind, ‘Verrio’s Terribilità’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1 (1937), 184–5.

29. Edgar Wind, ‘Review of Kaiser Wilhelm II, Studien zur Gorgo, Berlin, 1936’, The Burlington Magazine, 71 (1937), 55.


30. Elisabeth Gundolf and Edgar Wind (eds), Friedrich Gundolf: Anfänge deutscher Geschichtschreibung (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1938).

31. Hans Meier, Richard Newald and Edgar Wind (eds), A Bibliography of the Survival of the Classics, Second Volume, The Publications of 1932–1933 (London: The Warburg Institute, 1938).

32. Edgar Wind, ‘The Criminal-God’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1 (1938), 243–5.

33. Edgar Wind, ‘The Crucifixion of Haman [by Michelangelo]’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1 (1938), 245–8.

34. Edgar Wind, ‘Two Notes on the Cult of Ruins’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1 (1938), 259–60.

35. Edgar Wind, ‘Homo Platonis’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1 (1938), 261.

36. Edgar Wind, ‘Charity: The Case History of a Pattern’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1 (1938), 322–30.

37. Edgar Wind, ‘A Mediaeval Formula in Kant’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 2 (1938), 64.

38. Edgar Wind, ‘The Four Elements in Raphael’s Stanza della Segnatura’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 2 (1938), 75–9.

39. Edgar Wind, ‘The Revolution of History Painting’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 2 (1938), 116–27.

40. Edgar Wind, ‘“Borrowed Attitudes” in Reynolds and Hogarth’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 2 (1938), 182–5.

41. Edgar Wind, ‘Shaftesbury as Patron of Art. With a Letter by Closterman and two Designs by Guidi’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 2 (1938), 185–8.


42. Edgar Wind, ‘An Eighteenth-Century Improvisation in a Leonardo Drawing’, Old Master Drawings, 13, 52 (1939), 49–50.

43. Edgar Wind, ‘Hercules and Orpheus: Two Mock-Heroic Designs by Dürer’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 2 (1939), 206–18.

44. Edgar Wind, ‘Giordano Bruno between Tragedy and Comedy’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 2 (1939), 262.

45. Edgar Wind, ‘Dürer’s Männerbad: A Dionysian Mystery’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 2 (1939), 269–71.

46. Edgar Wind, Rudolf Wittkower, T. S. R. Boase and Anthony Blunt (eds), Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 3–5 (1939–42).

47. Edgar Wind, ‘Julian the Apostate at Hampton Court’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 3 (1939), 127–37.

48. Edgar Wind, ‘A Self-Portrait of [El] Greco’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 3 (1939), 141–42.

49. Edgar Wind, ‘The Monarch’s Crown of Thorns: 2. Heine on Louis Philippe’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 3 (1939), 160–1.


50. Edgar Wind, ‘The Subject of Botticelli’s Derelitta’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 4 (1940), 114–7.


51. Edgar Wind, ‘The Sources of David’s Horaces’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 4 (1941), 124–38.


52. Edgar Wind, ‘The Lion Filled with Lilies: A Reminiscence of Leonardo in Hogarth’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 6 (1943), 222–3.

53. Edgar Wind, ‘Reynolds and Pope on Composite Beauty’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 6 (1943), 223.

54. Edgar Wind, ‘A Lost Article on David by Reynolds’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 6 (1943), 223–4.

55. Edgar Wind, ‘Harlequin between Tragedy and Comedy’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 6 (1943), 224–5.

56. Edgar Wind, ‘Milking the Bull and the He-Goat’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 6 (1943), 225.


57. Edgar Wind, ‘Blood, Iron and Intuition (Jean-Paul Sartre: A French Heidegger)’, Polemic, 5 (1946), 54–7.


58. Edgar Wind, ‘Penny, West, and the Death of Wolfe’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 10 (1947), 159–62.

59. Edgar Wind, ‘The Hogarth-Constable-Turner Exhibition [at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York]’, Art News, 45, 13 (March 1947), 14–7, 62–4.

60. Edgar Wind, ‘Sante Pagnini and Michelangelo: A Study of the Succession of Savonarola’, Mélanges Henri Focillon, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 6, 26 (1947), 211–46.


61. Edgar Wind, Bellinis Feast of the Gods: A Study in Venetian Humanism (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1948).

62. Edgar Wind, ‘The Critical Nature of a Work of Art’, in Music and Criticism: A Symposium, ed. by Richard F. French (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1948), 55–72.


63. Edgar Wind, ‘Mantegna’s Parnassus: A Reply to Some Recent Reflections’, The Art Bulletin, 31 (1949), 224–31.

64. Edgar Wind, ‘A Source for Reynolds’s Parody of The School of Athens’, Harvard Library Bulletin, 3 (1949), 294–7.


65. Edgar Wind, ‘The Ark of Noah: A Study in the Symbolism of Michelangelo’, Measure, 1 (1950), 411–21.

66. Edgar Wind, ‘A Note on Bacchus and Ariadne’, The Burlington Magazine, 92 (1950), 82–5.

67. Edgar Wind, ‘The Eloquence of Symbols’, The Burlington Magazine, 92 (1950), 349–50.


68. Edgar Wind, ‘Typology in the Sistine Ceiling: A Critical Statement’, The Art Bulletin, 33 (1951), 41–7.

69. Edgar Wind, ‘On Bellini’s Feast of the Gods’, The Art Bulletin, 33 (1951), 70.


70. Three Talks on Leonardo da Vinci for the BBC, London:

I. Edgar Wind, ‘Mathematics and Sensibility’, The Listener, 47 (1 May 1952), 705–6.

II. Edgar Wind, ‘The Last Supper’, The Listener, 47 (8 May 1952), 747–8.

III. Edgar Wind, ‘Leonardo as a Physiognomist’, The Listener, 47 (15 May 1952), 787–8.


71. Edgar Wind, ‘Two Types of Courses: Humanities 292a: Experimental’, Smith Alumnae Quarterly, (May 1953), 136.

72. Edgar Wind, ‘Traditional Religion and Modern Art [Rouault and Matisse]’, Art News, 52, 3 (May 1953), 18–22, 60–3.

73. Edgar Wind, ‘Un art de caprice, de recherches, un art marginal’, Problèmes de lart contemporain: Supplément de la Revue Preuves, 29 (1953), 16–7.


74. Edgar Wind, ‘Hamburg Speech’, in Wissenschaft Und Freiheit. Internationale Tagung Hamburg, 23–26 July 1953 (Berlin: Grunewald Verlag, 1954), 280–1.

75. Edgar Wind, ‘The Revival of Origen’, in Studies in Art and Literature for Belle da Costa Greene, ed. by Dorothy Miner (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1954), 412–24.


76. Edgar Wind, ‘Review of Herbert Read, Icon and Idea, London, 1955’, The Times Literary Supplement, (11 May 1956), 277–8.


77. Edgar Wind, ‘Blake and Reynolds’, The Listener, 58 (28 November 1957), 879–80.


78. Edgar Wind, Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance (London: Faber and Faber, 1958).

79. Edgar Wind, ‘Microcosm and Memory’, The Times Literary Supplement, (30 May 1958), 297.


80. Edgar Wind, ‘Review of Ellis Waterhouse, Gainsborough, London, 1958’, The Times Literary Supplement, (20 March 1959), 153–4.


81. Edgar Wind, ‘Maccabean Histories in the Sistine Ceiling’, in Italian Renaissance Studies: A Tribute to the Late Cecilia M. Ady, ed. by E. F. Jacob (London: Faber & Faber, 1960), 312–27.

82. Edgar Wind, Art and Anarchy, The Reith Lectures, 1960. The BBC, London:

I. Edgar Wind, ‘Our Present Discontents’, The Listener, 64 (17 November 1960), 1–4.

II. Edgar Wind, ‘Aesthetic Participation’, The Listener, 64 (24 November 1960), 929–32.

III. Edgar Wind, ‘Critique of Connoisseurship’, The Listener, 64 (1 December 1960), 973–6.

IV. Edgar Wind, ‘The Fear of Knowledge’, The Listener, 64 (8 December 1960), 1039–41.

V. Edgar Wind, ‘The Mechanization of Art’, The Listener, 64 (15 December 1960), 1095–8.

VI. Edgar Wind, ‘Art and the Will’, The Listener, 64 (22 December 1960), 1137–40.


83. Edgar Wind, ‘Platonic Tyranny and the Renaissance Fortuna: On Ficino’s Reading of Laws, IV, 709a–712a’, in De artibus opuscola XL: Essays in honor of Erwin Panofsky, ed. by Millard Meiss, 2 vols (New York: New York University Press, 1961), I, 491–6.


84. Edgar Wind, ‘Une copie de la gravure de Claude Mellan pour l’Horace de 1642 utilisée comme frontispice pour un Juvénal’, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 60 (1962), 316.

85. Edgar Wind, ‘Modern Sacred Art’, The Times Literary Supplement, (25 May 1962), 373.


86. Edgar Wind, Art and Anarchy, The Reith Lectures 1960 revised and enlarged (London: Faber & Faber, 1963).

87. Edgar Wind, ‘Raphael: The Dead Child on a Dolphin’, The Times Literary Supplement, (25 October 1963), 874.


88. Edgar Wind, ‘Art and Anarchy’, The Times Literary Supplement, (2 and 9 April 1964), 277, 296.


89. Edgar Wind, ‘Porus consilii filius: Notes on the Orphic Counsels of Night’, in Lopera e il pensiero di Giovanni Pico della Mirandola nella storia dellumanesimo, Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Mirandola, 15–18 September 1963, ed. by the Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento, II (Florence, 1965), 197–203.


90. Edgar Wind, ‘Michelangelo’s Prophets and Sibyls’ (1965), Proceedings of the British Academy, 51 (London: Oxford University Press, 1966), 47–84.


91. Edgar Wind, Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance, enlarged and revised edition (Harmondsworth, Middx.: Penguin Books, 1967).


92. Edgar Wind, Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance, new and enlarged edition (London: Faber and Faber, 1968).

93. Edgar Wind, ‘Review of J. Byam Shaw, Paintings by Old Masters at Christ Church, Oxford, London, 1967, J. B. S. Selected Writings, [London] 1968’, The Times Literary Supplement, (29 August 1968), 912.

94. Edgar Wind, ‘Review of Ellis Waterhouse, The James A. de Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon Manor, Paintings, Fribourg, 1967’, The Times Literary Supplement, (31 October 1968), 1216.


95. Edgar Wind, Art and Anarchy, revised and enlarged edition (New York: Random House, 1969).

96. Edgar Wind, Giorgiones Tempesta. With Comments on Giorgiones Poetic Allegories (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1969).


97. Edgar Wind, ‘Review of John Sparrow, Visible Words: A Study of Inscriptions in and as Books and Works of Art, Cambridge, 1969’, The Times Literary Supplement, (26 March 1970), 337–8.


98. Edgar Wind (ed.), K. B. McFarlane: Hans Memling (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1971).

99. Edgar Wind, ‘Review of E. H. Gombrich, Aby Warburg: An Intellectual Biography, London, 1970’, The Times Literary Supplement, (25 June 1971), 735–6.


100. Edgar Wind, Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance, the 1968 edition revised and reprinted (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980).


101. Edgar Wind, The Eloquence of Symbols: Studies in Humanist Art, ed. by Jaynie Anderson (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983).


102. Edgar Wind, Hume and the Heroic Portrait: Studies in Eighteenth-Century Imagery, ed. by Jaynie Anderson (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986).


103. Edgar Wind, Kunsthistoriker und Philosoph, ed. by Horst Bredekamp, Bernhard Buschendorf, Freia Hartung and John Michael Krois (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1998), 259–62.


104. Edgar Wind, The Religious Symbolism of Michelangelo: The Sistine Ceiling, ed. by Elizabeth Sears (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000).


105. Edgar Wind, Das Experiment und die Metaphysik: Zur Auflösung der kosmologischen Antinomien (1934), ed. by Bernhard Buschendorf (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2001).

106. Edgar Wind, Experiment and Metaphysics: Towards a Resolution of the Cosmological Antinomies (1934), trans. by Cyril Edwards (Oxford: Legenda, 2001).


107. Edgar Wind, Heilige Furcht und andere Schriften zum Verhältnis von Kunst und Philosophie, ed. by John Michael Krois und Roberto Ohrt (Hamburg: Philo Fine Arts, 2009).


108. Edgar Wind, Ästhetischer und kunstwissenschaftlicher Gegenstand: ein Beitrag zur Methodologie der Kunstgeschichte, ed. by Pablo Schneider (Hamburg: Philo Fine Arts, 2011).


109. Edgar Wind, ‘La fallacia dell’arte pura’, ed. by Simona Maniello, in Energia e rappresentazione: Warburg, Panofsky, Wind, ed. by Alice Barale, Silvia Ferretti and Fabrizio Desideri (Milan: Mimesis, 2016), 273–92.


110. Edgar Wind, Die Bildsprache Michelangelos (1936), ed. by Pablo Schneider (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017).


111. Edgar Wind, ‘On Classicism’, ed. by Bernhard Buschendorf and Franz Engel, Pegasus. Berliner Beiträge zum Nachleben der Antike, 18/19 (2018), 195–217.


112. Edgar Wind, ‘Letter to Frances Yates’ (1938), in Bernardino Branca, Edgar Wind filosofo delle immagini: la biografia intellettuale di un discepolo di Aby Warburg (Milan: Mimesis, 2019), 123–5.


113. Edgar Wind, The School of Athens (1950), ed. by Bernardino Branca (Wroclaw: Amazon Fulfillment, 2020).