Jaynie Anderson
University of Melbourne


Volume 2, April 2022

Since its creation, Giovanni Bellini’s late masterpiece The Feast of the Gods, has never been an easy
painting to understand. When Edgar Wind published his monograph in 1948, it received an uneven
critical reception. Wind’s interpretation of the painting will be re-evaluated in relation to past and
present scholarship, with insights from Wind’s papers at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, as well as
other archives. Inevitably as an editor of two volumes of his writings it is partly autobiographical.

Giovanni Bellini; Titian; Alfonso D’Este; Kenneth Clark; National Gallery of Art, Washington





Tate Gallery, Papers of Kenneth Clark 1876-1984.


Archive of Jaynie Anderson, Correspondence with Edgar and Margaret Wind.


Bodleian Libraries, Edgar Wind Papers MSS. Wind 1-271.


Musée du Louvre, Bruno Mottin, 28 February 2010, ‘Compte-Rendu d’Étude’, unpublished report on the condition of Mantegna’s Parnassus.

Washington DC

National Gallery of Art.

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The Edgar Wind Journal 2: 9-37, 2022
DOI: 10.53245/EWJ-00008
Copyright: © 2022 J. Anderson. This is an open access, peer-reviewed article published by Bernardino Branca